金曜日, 11月 18

Of God, not of man

Upon seeing the beauty of the Sea of Japan at sunset and a traditional "torii" gate on the horizon, I couldn't help but see how time and the might of the wind and water had decayed this simple piece of wood. By Shinto belief, it marks the entrance to a sacred place. In my eyes, I see how swiftly things made by human hands fade and corrode into a warped image of what once was. The strength of God, His omnipotence, never fades. It is as strong now as it was in the beginning and it encompasses all places, not just where this gate and others stand. No idols can hold or designate the places of God. He is above all, but intricately woven through us all. "Shall I bow down to a block of wood?" ~Isaiah 44:19.

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