火曜日, 1月 17

The pleasures of JUSCO

JUSCO is the equivalent of an American mall. It has all the necessary stores...shoes, bags, books, housewears, clothes, and the stuff store (my favorite place). This is the place I go when I have too much time to kill in between changing my schools each day...the most important reasons being 1. it's heated in winter 2. it's air-conditioned in summer. In JUSCO, among other things, you can find penguins...
Or you can opt for a more relaxing time of it by partaking in the massage chair section...but be forewarned, this is not for the drowsy individual if that same drowsy individual must carry-on teaching for the rest of the day...

Hmmm, which button should I choose?? So many options that I can't understand anyways!!

I'm not sure if I'm in agony, pain or enjoyment in the middle picture....but the experience couldn't have been any better than this ojiichan, he definitely has the right idea...and all this could be yours for the small sum of about $3000!!!

And let's not forget the primary aim of the excursion to JUSCO with the Elliot family...to see Pride & Prejudice. I found the movie poster interesting...Pride (プライド) is written in katakana...meaning it is a "foreign" word or not necessary having an original Japanese equivalent. While Prejudice (偏見) is written in kanji which is the mainstay of the Japanese language....what are they trying to say here??? Is the type of pride in this movie not found in Japan?? Just wondering..... No reviews, not 'cuz I didn't like it but what can I say....please read the book!!

3 件のコメント:

swirlogirl さんのコメント...

hahaha LOVE those pictures in the massage chair. pure hysterics!

匿名 さんのコメント...

Mi querida,
I can add this mall to my list of must-see's and must-do's! In June air-conditioning will be welcome, I am sure!
Interesting about the words "pride" and "prejudice!" It would be interesting to find out why it's written like that. What is the name of the other alphabet? I should write them down.
What does JUSCO stand for anyway? I have PEO tomorrow night (Thursday). I am making wild rice soup. I always like this meeting because there will be about five or six different kinds of soup. I do like soup!
¡Hasta luego, mija!

Sarah Lizzy Beth さんのコメント...

why are u put so late/or so early up????? Dame deshou!!! Mmmmm, soup!!!! Can u send me some???